How To Install Language Pack Motorola V3i

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This guide was written with the intent that a reader would start out at thispage and read through the entire guide to the last page. The instructionsI have written build upon each other as you progress further into the guide.So if you just skip ahead (and have no modding experience) a crucial stepor five may be 'missing' as far as the reader is concerned.I've done everything in this site that I've written about so Iknow that everything works. Since I host all but two of the programsthat I use in these instructions on this site, when you download programsfrom me you'll be using the exact same version as in the screen shots that willwalk you through all the steps needed to mod your phone.You should know doing any of this could void your warranty, and I'm notresponsible for any damage done to your phone by following anything in thisguide. Download windows 10. These instructions have worked for me and many of my readers whohave written to thank me for this guide.

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Community Experts online right now. Ask for FREE. Ask Your Question Fast! Start up the program that should be added to your Program Files and Start Menu. Verify that your settings are correct including the backup location you want as well as the language. Select the appropriate phone from the drop down menu, and select the appropriate code groups.

However, this is not anindicator that this guide will work for you. Keep that in mind if youhave a problem and decide to email me about it and I reply that I can't helpyou.Follow the instructions carefully or you could wind up with a deadphone.Back up your V3i's files (both your personal files and the systemfiles) before you modify them in case you later have a problem.


It's verysimple to do everything in this guide, you just need to read carefully and havesome patience. The easiest way to get in trouble is to not readall the directions in a particular section, or worse, think you know what youare doing and ignore my directions and go off the map.What you needYou need a V3i phone with a fully charged battery. I can't stress enoughthe importance of having a fully charged battery prior to performing anymodifications with it. Doing this kind of work and using the variousmodding programs drains the battery quickly when it's connected to a computervia the data cable. It's best if you charge your battery from the wallsocket and not the computer. People seem to have many issues becausethey charge their batteries from the computer.

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If you insist on using thecomputer to charge your battery before modding you may need to recondition yourbattery to attempt to restore its life. You do this by discharging thebattery until it's dead, take it out for a few minutes and then plug it backinto the wall socket and fully recharge the battery, with the phone shut off,until you receive a 'Charge Complete' message.Data transfer cable (USB A to USB mini B - 5 pin). This cable is also used by many digital cameras so lookaround your house. This can be found at the local electronics store too. Windows 98 (not SE, not ME) or a Windows XP computer with service pack 1 installedat a minimum. You could also usea Mac running Virtual PC but it will be slow and many report having USBconnectivity issues.

All the programs needed are only made for theWindows platform. There is a program called moto4lin which is for Unix,Linux and Mac OS X platforms. It will only allow you to transfer anddelete files, modify attributes, edit seems and manage Java midlets.Here's.Programs: (the must haves)Mobile Phone Tools (MPT).Motorola sells this is as a direct download or will mail it to you witha data cable. With this you can transfer mp3s, pictures, and backup upyour phonebook to your computer. You should also know what flex version and what software version you have.To get this information press thekey thenpress 'Settings' press 'SELECT' scroll down to 'Phone Status' press 'SELECT'scroll down to 'Other Information' and press 'SELECT'. Now you can checkthe 'Flex Version' (mine was GSPSLQAT676VB06B) and the 'S/W Version'(mine was R47AG08.D8.35R).

Alternately you can type.#9999# and geta screen that will tell you this information.TerminologyHere are a few definitions of some terms that you'llhear a lot of when you start modifying your phone. It's important weare all speaking the same language when it comes to working on and troubleshooting our phones. By the way, I use the terms operator, carrier,network and service provider interchangeably throughout these instructions.They all refer to whomever you pay to get cell phone service from, likeCingular.Bootloader - This can be compared to the BIOS on a PC.

It is lowlevel software telling the phone what is what and where to find what it needsto operate. Bootloaders can be upgraded and downgraded. There is no realreason to upgrade one, so don't be tempted to.Flash - This is the most common thing you modify on the phone.The flash is essentially the operating system of the phone. When youflash your phone it will adjust the various features of your phone.You will not lose any of your media or any of your specific settings when youflash.

A flash can be used on most any carrier's phone unlike the flex,which is carrier specific. Reflash files are flash files.They are called this I imagine because you use them to reflash a phoneafter you have already installed a monster pack on it but now you want the mostrecent flash.Flex - These are the files that contain the cell phone service provider'sbranding on the phone. This is where things like your start up animationwith the Cingular or T-Mobile logos and sounds come from. It alsocontains the specific menus and labels for programs they use like T-Zones orMEdia Mall. They also include all the programming needed to connect youto their Internet service and text messaging on their network.

The mostimportant thing to remember is if you have a Cingular phone, then don't installa T-Mobile flex on it. Your phone will essentially function, but any of thenetwork connectivity for the Cingular network will be lost and you'll need toreprogram the connection data specific to your carrier, or just flex again.Monster Pack - Includes the flash and the flex and alanguage pack for a specific language all in one file. It installseverything in one step. They come in many varieties, some are unbrandedfor Motorola, some are Cingular, O2, Rogers, and can come with various featuresalready enabled. Just read the description that the file comes with soyou know what it does before installing it.PDS - A 64kb section in memory. It holds critical information likeyour IMEI, ESN and any subsidy locking information.

The PDS is the mostsensitive part of the ROM. If it should become corrupted you will need touse a Smart Clip to fix it, otherwise your phone will be dead.Seem - The phone has numerous seems programmed into the operating systemof the phone. These seems control every aspect of how the phone behavessuch as: SMS being turned on or off by default, enbaling the roaming icon,raising the volume level on the various speakers of the phone, enabling ENS,etc. You change one feature at a time when you edit seems in a hexediting program. While the flash is all the programming on the phone, theseems edit the individual programs, if you will, in that flash, one feature at atime.Unlock - A phone that is locked will only work on thatparticular service provider's network until it has been unlocked.Program installation notesThese instructions are written from the standpoint of never having any Motorolaphone software installed on your computer.I am going to install some programs and drivers, which will allow the computer tocommunicate with the V3i.

Download the 'Motorola P2K Drivers version 2.9'.Now extract the file 'MotorolaEUDriverInstallation.msi'from the zip you downloaded and double click the file to start the installer.Click 'Next '.