How To Install Winexe On Centos 6

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Mar 19, 2014. Install it using “yum install winexe” and you should be good to go. Screenshot from 2014-03-16 13:02:48. Open-AudIT uses Nmap for discovery, sshpass for Linux auditing and screen / samba-client / winexe for Windows auditing. Discovery will not work without these packages installed. Configure IPTables.

Install Centos 6 On Virtualbox

One of the software applications that I use at work relies on a linux uility called “winexe”. It turns out that this particular tool is incompatible with Windows 8.1, 10 and Server 2012R2. This incompability is due to the fact that SMB 1.0 support was removed from these versions of Windows(1), and the tool uses it, so now it doesn’t work.The major symptom is running the tool and getting the error “NTSTATUSINVALIDPARAMETER”, but seeing that the authentication is working successfully (I confirmed this by putting in the right + wrong password and noticing the behavior change).The fine folks over at winexe did release a version 1.1 that fixes this issue. Unfortunately, it has to be statically compiled against Samba, and a specific version at that.

This took me several hours to solve, and I drew from several resources to accomplish it. Here is the process I used. # make sure EPEL is enabled in /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo# fixup a bunch of samba dependenciesyum install gcc perl mingw-binutils-generic mingw-filesystem-base mingw32-binutils mingw32-cpp mingw32-crt mingw32-filesystem mingw32-gcc mingw32-headers mingw64-binutils mingw64-cpp mingw64-crt mingw64-filesystem mingw64-gcc mingw64-headers libcomerr-devel popt-devel zlib-devel zlib-static glibc-devel glibc-static python-develyum install git gnutls-devel libacl1-dev libacl-devel libldap2-dev openldap-devel#per the docs, remove libbsd-devel if installedyum remove libbsd-devel#clone the git repos. Samba is huge, like 280MBcd /usr/srcgit clone git:// winexe-winexe-wafgit clone git:// samba#per winexe bug 64, samba needs to be reverted to a6bda1f2bc85779feb9680bc74821da5ccd401c5#cd /usr/src/sambagit reset -hard a6bda1f2bc85779feb9680bc74821da5ccd401c5#fixup the build deps. I chose to build it as big and static as I could, so the only linked dependency is gnutls# cd /usr/src/winexe-winexe-waf/source# modify 'wscriptbuild', and at the very end.stlib='smbstatic bsd z resolv rt'lib='dl gnutls'#build it! This does a huge configure, then also compiles samba, which takes a while./waf -samba-dir=././samba configure build#executable should be /usr/src/winexe-winexe-waf/source/build/winexe-staticPlenty of help from the following URLs:(1)This entry was posted in.

How To Install Winexe On Centos 6Centos

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FileDateAuthorCommit2013-11-11Thomas HoodRead Me winexe READMELast updated 24 October 2013.BuildingWinexe makes use of Samba version 4.Winexe can be built such that it is statically linked to Sambalibraries, resulting in an executable that is several megabytes insize.