Philippine Ethnic Dance Music Free Download

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To better understand these dances, the time period of these dances must be considered. Depending on each period, they have had their own ways of influencing and inspiring the dances which then evolve and change depending on these elements.Pre Colonialism Pre-colonial dance are distinctly meant to appease the Gods and to ask favors from spirits, as a means to celebrate their harvest or hunt. Their dance mimicked life forms and the stories of their community. Moreover, theses dances were also ritualistic in nature, dances articulated rites of passages, the community’s collective legends and history.Across the 7,107 islands in the Philippines, there are various tribes scattered all over, each with their own unique traditions and dances. The Igorots from the mountains of Luzon, resisted Spanish colonization and influences have kept most of their dances untouched across generations.

Their dances express their love of nature and gratitude to the gods. Their choreography imitates nature and their life experiences. Dancers would often swoop their arms like birds and stomp their feet as a representation of the rumbling earth. Spanish Colonialism Spaniards have moderated and even led the politics and economics of the country, which was mainly due to the 400 years of Spanish colonization in the Philippines during the 16th century. Despite the earliest Filipinos having their of type of government, writing, myths, and traditions, several features of Spanish culture have influenced different aspects of the Philippine culture, from clothing, such as the barong tagalog and the terno, to their religion even up to the dances and the music in the Philippines. TiniklingFilipinos already had their own set of music and dances before the Spaniards came; dances were performed for different reasons, from weddings up to religious feasts, even to prepare for or celebrate war. As the Spanish colonizers realized the relevance of these dances for Filipinos, dancing was utilized as a relevant social activity.

  • In the west the Americans have their Square Dance. On the other hand, the Philippines will not be left behind. 'The Pearl of The Orient' boast of a varitey of Filipino Folk Dances. The Philippines consist of 7107 islands, and is broken down in three groups of islands.
  • At present, most folk dance performances can be enjoyed at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), which showcases an eclectic range of local and international performance in dance, music, theatre, and more. Local restaurants, in addition to a few hotels, also have weekly folk and ethnic dance presentations.

Some of the first dances they presented were the rigodon, virginia, and lanceros; these were dances done for the higher class and special fiestas. Filipino dance styles like the kumintang, type of song and dance, and dances like the Pampangois, a dance distinguished for its lion-like actions and hand clapping, were pushed aside when the Spaniards had come.

Tinikling involves two people hitting bamboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over and in between the poles in a dance. It originated in Leyte among the Visayan islands in central Philippines as an imitation of the tikling bird. Once taught simply as a folk dance from the Philippines, it has recently become popular in the sports.

However, they were later remade with influences from new Spanish dances such as the fandaggo, lanceros, curacha, and rigodon. Other features that were done when adopting these European dances was the addition of local elements like using bamboo, papays (local fans), and coconut or shell castanets. Retrieved 2019-04-20. ^.

Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Culture of the Philippines. Retrieved 2019-04-20. ^.

Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-21. Retrieved 2019-04-20. ^. Hiyas. Pinoy, Dance. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-03-29. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20. ^. Retrieved 2019-04-20. cherryhoney1818 (2017-10-07).

Cultural dance in the Philippines. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

^. Retrieved 2019-04-20. ^. Retrieved 2019-04-20. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

Pinoy, Dance. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

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Retrieved 2019-04-20. ^. National Commission for Culture and Arts. National Commission on Culture and the Arts.

Philippine Ethnic Dance

Theater, Benna Crawford BA. Retrieved 2019-03-29. Retrieved 2019-03-29. ^. National Commission for Culture and the Arts. ^. Retrieved 2019-04-20.

^ (PDF). Retrieved 2019-04-20. (PDF). ^. National Commission for Culture and the Arts. ^ (PDF).

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